9 Failed Businesses To $250,000/yr Agency

After Immigrating to Canada and failing 9 businesses, Ismail makes one final attempt alongside Catalyst Holdings. After some initial struggles Ismail goes on to earn +$20,000/mo in one of the most heartwarming entrepreneurial stories you'll read


Ismail Barlas immigrated from Turkey to Canada in 2019 and arrived with no real way to make a living for himself. Upon arriving he found a job working for an agency to pay the bills, but after some time, decided to quit to start his own company.

However, things did not go according to plan. Despite learning the ins and outs of service delivery while working for an agency, Ismail struggled with client acquisition and as a result started 9 different companies and failed each one of them. Ismail though was resilient, and although his back was against the wall he committed to his 10th and final attempt by starting a real estate agency.

As he started, Ismail discovered Dylan Wilson through YouTube and applied to work with him. After a thorough discussion, they agreed to work together to get Ismail's new agency off the ground.

When Catalyst looked closely at Ismail's business, they saw why he'd been failing in the past.

  • He had no means to set appointments
  • He had no sales process or skills
  • He lacked confidence given his past failures

Catalyst made a plan to fix these problems:

Appointment Setting Systems

Since Ismail didn't have a lot of money while starting, we opted to use cold email to set appointments. We worked together to set up the domains and then wrote compelling copy and developed unique angles to quickly set appointments.

Sales Training

With their Ismail's calendar starting to fill up, Catalyst installed our 8 figure sales process into Barlas Media. In addition to this, Ismail regularly sent his sales calls to the Catalyst team for review for regular adjustments and training.


Lastly, Ismail became a regular participant in Catalyst's inner circle. This surrounded him with peers who were just like him, making $10,000-$50,000/mo. Seeing this in person gave Ismail the confidence he could do the same

And then... Ismail quit.

Yes, after about 6 weeks of hard work Ismail had nothing to show for it. He stopped engaging with Catalyst and began looking for a job. At this time, (not knowing he had quit) Dylan gave Ismail a call. Ismail answered, while sitting outside wondering what he's going to do. After a long conversation Dylan showed Ismail that he's one sales call away from a completely different life and got Ismail to commit to just another 2 weeks of effort.

The next day, Ismail hopped on a call with Catalyst to make an adjustment to his warm lead to appointment setting process.

And then... the floodgates opened


A few months later, Ismail achieved the seemingly impossible and crossed $20,000/mo with his agency. In addition to that, through Catalyst's network Ismail made lifelong friends in his new country. Ismail never went back to his 9-5 and has since launched paid ads to scale even further.